elanamatic: Big Spender
My cash flow is totally outta control. Going away every two weekends makes for a refrigerator with wilted lettuce and rotting takeout leftovers. I need to get my life back on track and stop buying $8 crappy salad-like options every day. It's killing me, or more truthfully, it's depleting my shopping dollar reserves.
Speaking of shopping, I am in spring fling mode - developing major crushes on every shoe, skirt and accessory I lay eyes on. It doesn't help that I have been researching some online clothing catalogues at work. It's raised my urge to consume to an 11.
So far, I've added new sneaks, two new pairs of jeans, several Ts, a tank, a shirt, lots of workout wear, new CDs and yet still I crave more, more, more. It's an illness. Still, I crave a new jacket, shiny gold shoes (sandals?), more tunes, new running shoes.. ahhh!
Being the queen of rationalization, I tell my obsessively shopping self that I didn't work last summer, and the summer before I was on my honeymoon so my spring/summer wardrobe is badly in need of a boost.
Sigh. Next week is definitely going to be my bring your lunch to work week.