elanamatic: Car Fire
There was a car fire on our street last night.. We had a nice evening with Adina and Chris, sitting around on our back deck drinking wine and talking silly. They were about to pedal home on their bikes (even though I didn't want them to leave!) when they rang our bell to say the car across the street was on fire.
Kiff took our fire extinguisher and tried to sedate the flames but it didn't seem to do much. It started as a little blaze under the hood but seemed to be spreading. There was thick gray smoke pluming up to the sky. The dude called 911. They were already on their way. We ran upstairs (the dude insisted I get away from the windows on the main floor) to look at the bicycle cops surveying the area.
The owners of the truck parked in front, got in their car to move it away... As they did that the car that was on fire started to roll forward on it's own. It was very scary. I kept waiting for the fire to spread to the fuel tank and some huge As Seen On TV explosion. It was fascinating and also a bit scary. Luckily the firetruck came just in time and got it all under control.
It was the most action our street had ever seen. I wish I had photos to share.