elanamatic: Last day of work!
Holy crap. It's 5:42 on Friday, July 13. I am one of the last people in the office. It is my last day of work for over a year(!) as I begin my maternity leave. I have worked full time every day for the last 10 years. It is totally surreal to step away from all that. This also brings it home that sooner than later, I will meet our baby.
I will definitely miss a lot of things about workaday life and the independence having a job brings me. The gang here are pretty super (check out the fun surprise shower they threw last week here) and it will be strange that the work will continue in my absence, but also knowing that one day I will be back. So much can happen in a year.
I have two weeks to go before my due date, but really the baby can come at anytime. I have already talked to baby k and explained that s/he needs to wait at least one more week b/c mommy (that's me, holy crap!) needs to go see Harry Potter in the theatre, and do mommy things like get a haircut, pedicure, massage, lunch with friends, play with Adina and G, and clean house! Hoping our little one is obedient.
I hope to post a few more Happyrobot entries before baby k makes their entrance into the world. Stay tuned..